An alpine tour of Albania isn’t
complete without a stop in
the famed Western Alps, or Al-
pet Perëndimore. Here you will
enjoy something unique: walk,
breath, sleep and eat amidst
the legends dating from
Homer and through modern
tales of our majestic mystery
and intrigue. This tour gives
you the rare chance to enjoy
the heart of the Albanian Alps,
Gropa e Thethit.
The journey begins from the
cultural capital of Shkodra and
wanders 41 km away to the
village of Razma. Situated on
a blackberry hill at the feet of
the Veleçik Mountain, Razma
stands amid lush forests of
pine and birch trees. Mead-
ows and amazing alpine pas-
tures abound, drenching any
visitor with a keen eye in the
beauty of the Balkans. Even in
the depths of winter when the
snow drifts to its highest level
of the season, adventure tour-
ists visit Razma. Several hotels
already exist and others are
being completed. Common
activities on the excursions
are mountain climbing, ski-
ing, and weather permitting,