The road turns from Razma
to the village of Dedaj and
then onto Boga, a village sur-
rounded by the Alps and de-
scribed by Edith Durham in
her book “The Burden of the
Balkans”. It is here that the
wealthy families of Shkodra,
before the Second World War
built their houses and villas to
rest and escape the city. Boga
is the perfect place for moun-
tain climbing, skiing, and cave
spelunking. Among the most
famous caves, visitors often
delve into the Cave of Mulliri
(“Mill”), Akullore (“Ice Cream”),
and Njerëzve të lagun (“Wet
People”). The Cave of Puci is
one of the most attractive,
situated 1,087 m above sea
level, 5 km deep and rich in
stalactites, stalagmites, and
wall veils, this cave branches
into many different levels, five
alone are at the center. Pass-
ing through its curved galler-
ies you can walk into with the
next Cave of Husi.