Fier is 34 km from Vlora, and
Apollonia is 12 km from Fier.
The city of Apollonia, named
for the Greek God Apollo, was
founded in the beginning of
the seventh century B.C. by
Corinthian settlers. The first
documentation of the settlers’
presence dates back to 588
The city, located in proximity
to the Aoos (Vjosa) River, had
60000 inhabitants, a large city
for its time. Among 24 cities
in the ancient Mediterranean
world with the same name, Il-
lyrian Apollonia was the most
important, as it served as a
middleman for trade between
the Illyrians and the Hellenes
(Greeks). The city remained
equally prominent during the
Roman period; Octavian Au-
gustus studied oratory here.
The vast area covered by mon-
uments, the wonderful view
of the plain of Myzeqe and
the Adriatic sea, its proximity
to big cities and the southern
beaches, make Apollonia Ar-
chaeological Park a very im-
portant site for cultural tour-
ism and easily reachable for